Thursday, October 19, 2006


Okay, so I had a pretty shitty day yesterday. I'm not typically one for drama, but it seemed as if all areas of my life - personal, professional, physical - culminated in a giant stew of crap right around the same time. And it wasn't even a full moon.

I slogged around crying most of the morning. Then I decided to pick my sorry ass up and I went out for my 4-mile run. Which became 5 miles. Then 6. Then I stopped - not because I wanted to, but because I figured I should. If I'd let them, I think my feet might have just kept on going.

And I felt better. My head cleared - literally and figuratively. Things took on a new light, a different perspective. I found balance. And I remembered the main reason why I love to run: it just makes me feel good.

So I'm psyched for this thing. I'm ready. We're leaving early tomorrow morning and getting to O'Hare by 10:30. I'm so happy that HE'll be by my side, there's no one else I'd rather have there.

When Sunday morning rolls around and I am on that starting line, I will remind myself that all I can do is the best that I can do. I've trained hard for six months. I've become a stronger person, physically, emotionally, spiritually.

And as Ursula K. LeGuin so eloquently put it: "“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end."


Anonymous said...

Two bits of advice:

1) Nothing new. Don't do anything new between now and the marathon. Don't eat new foods. Don't get a massage if you don't normally get massages. Don't wear any clothing during the race that you haven't worn before. "Nothing new" should be your mantra between now and the race.

2) Start slow. You'll have lots of adrenaline, so running faster at the start will come naturally (and the taper helps that too), but stay reined in. I'd suggest running the first few miles slower than you'd normally run them.

AND GOOD LUCK! It's a fun flat course with tons of crowd support. You're well-trained and ready.

Sue said...

Good luck turtle, time to come out of your shell and have the time of your life and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

We've worked so hard. It will be nice to put all the hard work to good use tomorrow!