I been around. Certainly not blogging though, that's for sure. I just watched the Dean Karnazes documentary
Ultramarathon Man and remembered that I had seen him run his 50th in New York back in 2006. So I went back to my long-abandoned blog to see if I had posted anything about it. Sure enough,
I had.
Then I started reading through my old blog entries and realized, "Shit, I used to be really good at blogging. WTF happened?" Life happened, I guess. It's gotten too easy to end up on the couch with The Husband (aka: "The Huz"), checking Facebook and watching bad television. I kind of miss writing for the hell of it. And so, here I am, once again.
It's been a great school year. I can't believe it's already May and we only have five weeks left. The spring concert was a success and now things are beginning to wind down. I've been running a lot and have signed up [again] for the Marine Corps Marathon. I bailed last year because there was just too much else going on. (Did I even mention that I got hitched?) Now I feel like my heart is in it for the right reasons. I am really looking forward to starting the training plan in June, and am currently working to build up a decent mileage base.
There's been a 10-ton blanket of humidity draped over the world today, and the sky finally opened up. Hopefully this rain will chill things off a bit. But it's come with thunder and lightening too, so I think I shall sign off before I fry my Mac.
Cheers for now.