Saturday, December 23, 2006


Jeez... where does the time go? Seems like December just started, and here it is Christmas break already. My sincerest apologies for being such a blog slacker. I guess I've been busy?

Between Area Band auditions, volunteering at the county food pantry, gearing up for the holiday concert, and then all the usual holiday tasks - shopping, decorating, baking - it felt like I was never home. And when I was home, I was sleeping.

But life has been good... it's been a really great year. Thursday night we had our faculty holiday party at a little Italian restaurant. It was a fine time - the wine flowed like water. At one point, I found myself in a philosophical conversation with "Poz" - our new, gay librarian. And as usual, I tend to run at the mouth when I have a bit to drink.

"So tell me," he began, "what's the meaning of life?"

I thought for a little bit and said, "I think it's finally realizing who you are, and liking that person - being content. And then being lucky enough to meet someone who loves this person that you are."

Pretty profound, huh? And perhaps a little ironic, timing-wise.

Because as of last night around 6:00 PM... this turtle's engaged!


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, congrats! Have a very merry Christmas, too. :)

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic! Congrats! And it's a cute pic too. Finally, a picture of the Pensive Turtle.